BrainGlobe version 1.1.0 is released!#

A new version of the BrainGlobe metapackage has been released following updates to lots of BrainGlobe tools (details below).

Main updates#

Most updates are relatively minor, but if you use cellfinder, brainmapper or brainrender the location of data automatically downloaded by the software has moved. Please see those sections for more details.

We would like to thank Matt Einhorn who has contributed greatly to this release. In particular, he has made many contributions to cellfinder, including by speeding up cell detection.

What do I need to do?#

If you have an installation of the metapackage (recommended) then all you need to do is update brainglobe to the latest version with:

pip install --upgrade brainglobe

If you use brainglobe-workflows (e.g. for brainmapper) you will need to update it individually, as it is not included within the metapackage:

pip install --upgrade brainglobe-workflows

If you have a single tool installed, you can just update that tool. For example to update brainrender, run:

pip install --upgrade brainrender



  • Updated, fixed versions of the kim_mouse (50, 25 & 10 micron) and perens_lsfm_mouse (20 micron) atlases have been released.

  • Minor fixes and updates to the atlas update workflow.


  • Minor updates to be compatible with the latest version of brainglobe-utils.


  • Code for data loading (e.g. read_with_dask) has been moved from cellfinder. If you use this in your code, please change your import from from import read_with_dask to from brainglobe_utils.IO.image.load import read_with_dask.


  • brainmapper has been updated to the latest version of cellfinder. Please see the cellfinder section for more details.


  • A bug was fixed causing registration performance in the napari plugin to be slightly worse than via the command line.

  • The number of CPU cores to leave free can now be set in the napari plugin.

  • Some parameter names in the napari plugin have been given more descriptive names.

  • Minor updates to be compatible with the latest version of brainglobe-utils.


  • Automatically downloaded data are now saved to .brainglobe/brainrender in your home directory. Previously data were saved to .brainglobe. Some scripts may take slightly longer the next time you run them as data is re-downloaded. You can safely delete the .brainrender directory in your home directory if you would like to clear space. Be aware this directory is usually hidden by default in most file navigation applications.

  • Screenshots can now be saved into multiple formats.

  • A bug in the default (cartoon) shader mode which caused the scene to appear jagged when rotated has been fixed.

  • Minor updates to be compatible with the latest version of brainglobe-utils.

  • SWC files without a soma can now be loaded (via morphapi).


  • The napari plugin has been sped up and is now more responsive when an image is open.

  • Detection and classification can now be run independently in the napari plugin. This is useful for parameter optimisation, and in some cases, classification is not needed at all (e.g. nuclear labelled cells).

  • Cell detection has been optimised and should now be considerably faster. On a c-Fos stained whole mouse brain image with ~3.5 million cell candidates, cell detection went from 8.5 to 5.5 hours.

  • Code for data loading (e.g. read_with_dask) has been moved to brainglobe-utils. If you use this in your code, please change your import from from import read_with_dask to from brainglobe_utils.IO.image.load import read_with_dask.

  • Downloaded pre-trained models are now saved to .brainglobe/cellfinder/models in your home directory. Previously data were saved to .cellfinder. You can safely delete the .cellfinder directory in your home directory if you would like to clear space. Be aware this directory is usually hidden by default in most file navigation applications. If you would like to download the models to the new directory in advance of using the software, please see the guide to the cellfinder_download tool.