Posted in 2023

Plans for brainrender

Recent maintenance work means brainrender now works with more recent versions of Python and more recent versions of key dependencies (such as vedo). It should also be straightforward to install on all operating systems. We take this opportunity to set out the next steps for this tool.

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cellfinder has moved: version 1 of brainglobe-workflows released

Continuing the restructuring of BrainGlobe, the cellfinder command-line tool has moved to a new home, brainglobe-workflows. Please note that we will no longer be providing Docker images for cellfinder’s command-line functionality either - if you were previously using the Docker image, please see the advice in the full changelog.

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Version 1 of brainreg and brainglobe-segmentation released

The restructuring of BrainGlobe is underway, beginning with the release of version 1 of brainreg and brainglobe-segmentation (previously known as brainreg-segment). Previously, there were three tools with the prefix brainreg (“brain registration”) that were split across three packages:

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BrainGlobe is being restructured, version 1 is on it’s way!

BrainGlobe provides and maintains a number of open-source tools, each of which are provided as Python-based software packages. A number of these tools also come with a graphical user-interface provided by a napari plugin that can be installed on top of the Python package. Whilst there is an advantage to the modularity provided by maintaining separate tools, the same modularity can present challenges and unnecessary difficulties when running an analysis that relies on multiple BrainGlobe tools. Particular pinch points include:

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