
Pre-commit hooks#

It is important that all BrainGlobe is consistently formatted for readability, and for clean git diffs. For this reason, we use pre-commit. Running pre-commit install will set up pre-commit hooks to ensure the code is formatted correctly. Currently, these are:

  • black for code structure formatting (maximum line length set to 79)

  • mypy a static type checker

  • ruff does a number of jobs, including enforcing PEP8 and sorting imports

These will prevent code from being committed if any of these hooks fail. To run them individually:

ruff .
black ./
mypy -p name_of_package

You can also execute all the hooks using pre-commit run. The best time to run this is after you have staged your changes, but before you commit them.

In the case you see mypy failing with an error like Library stubs not installed for this-package, you have to edit the .pre-commit-config.yaml file by adding the additional dependency to mypy:

- id: mypy
		- types-setuptools
		- types-this-package


We use semantic versioning, which uses a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning number where these mean:

  • PATCH = small bugfix

  • MINOR = new feature

  • MAJOR = breaking change

Automated versioning#

setuptools_scm can be used to automatically version each package. It has been pre-configured in the pyproject.toml file. setuptools_scm will automatically infer the version using git. To manually set a new semantic version, create a tag and make sure the tag is pushed to GitHub. Make sure you commit any changes you wish to be included in this version. E.g., to bump the version to 1.0.0:

git add .
git commit -m "Add new changes"
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Bump to version 1.0.0"
git push --follow-tags