Atlas details#
The BrainGlobe atlas API includes a number of atlases in a standardised form that vary based on:
Developmental stage
Reference image modality
Brain region annotations
Sometimes choosing the most appropriate atlas for a specific question is easy (e.g., there is currently only one rat atlas in the API). However, in some cases (e.g. adult mouse brains) there are many options. In some cases the annotations included with an atlas will dictate the choice — if the brain region you are studying is not included in an atlas, it is not much use! In other cases the reference image will be important. If you have imaged your sample with lightsheet microscopy (LSFM) it may be useful to use an atlas that also uses this modality. An atlas using a different modality (such as serial section two-photon, STP) may produce inferior registration results.
In most software you can choose the atlas from a list, but if using a command line tool, or the API directly, the
unique key (e.g. example_mouse_100um
must be used).
Available atlases#
Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas#
For many researchers working with mice, this is the “default” atlas for a variety of tasks. It is also the basis for the most commonly used common coordinate space (CCFv3). It is usually the best mouse atlas to start with, but it has some disadvantages. It has a reference image based on STP, which may not produce the best results for other imaging modalities, and you may want to try atlases based on other modalities (see below). It also has limited annotations in some regions (alternatives such as the Enhanced and Unified Mouse Brain Atlas may be better if the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas is not annotated sufficiently).
Available versions:
- 10μm resolutionallen_mouse_25um
- 25μm resolutionallen_mouse_50um
- 50μm resolutionallen_mouse_100um
- 100μm resolution
Enhanced and Unified Mouse Brain Atlas#
This atlas from Chon et al. (2019) is very similar to the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas (it has the same reference image), but it includes additional annotations (e.g. from the Franklin-Paxinos atlas). This atlas may be a good choice for those brain regions not annotated sufficiently in the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas.
Available versions:
- 10μm resolutionkim_mouse_25um
- 25μm resolutionkim_mouse_50um
- 50μm resolutionkim_mouse_100um
- 100μm resolution
Gubra’s LSFM mouse brain atlas#
This atlas from Perens et al. (2020) provides a version of the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas, based on solvent-cleared brains imaged with LSFM. This atlas may be a good choice for registering other similar images. However, please note that this atlas is in a different coordinate space to the original Allen atlas (CCFv3).
This atlas is only available at 20μm resolution:
Gubra’s MRI mouse brain atlas#
This atlas is an addition to its LSFM version and provides a version of the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas, based on T2-weighted MRI. This atlas may be a good choice for registering other similar images. However, please note that this atlas is in a different coordinate space to the original Allen atlas (CCFv3). In addition this atlas is in flat skull position and so it can be used to plan stereotaxic surgeries.
This atlas is only available at 25μm resolution:
Princeton Mouse Brain Atlas#
This atlas from Pisano et al. (2021) is a version of the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas with two main differences. Unlike the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas it includes a full cerebellum, and the reference image is based on LSFM rather than STP.
This atlas is only available at 20μm resolution:
3D Edge-Aware Refined Atlases Derived from the Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlases#
These atlases from Young et al. (2021) are 3D reconstructions of the eight developmental stages from the Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas. This allows them to be used in automated 3D registration pipelines.
These atlases vary slightly, as the E11.5, E13.5 and E15.5 atlases contain the complete embryo. The other atlases (E18.5, P4, P14, P28 and P56) only contain the brain.
Available versions:
- E11.5 at 16μm resolutionadmba_3d_e13_5_mouse_16um
- E13.5 at 16μm resolutionadmba_3d_e15_5_mouse_16um
- E15.5 at 16μm resolutionadmba_3d_e18_5_mouse_16um
- E18.5 at 16μm resolutionadmba_3d_p4_mouse_16.752um
- P4 at 16.752μm resolutionadmba_3d_p14_mouse_16.752um
- P14 at 16.752μm resolutionadmba_3d_p28_mouse_16.752um
- P28 at 16.752μm resolutionadmba_3d_p56_mouse_25um
- P56 at 25μm resolution
Kim Lab Developmental CCF v1.0#
A multi-modal atlas of the developing mouse brain. Reference images from LSFM and MRI (adc, dwi, fa, T2) are available at all developmental stages of the atlas (E11.5, E13.5, E15.5, E18.5, P4, P14, P56). Developmental stages E15.5, P04 and P14 additionally also have versions with a MTR MRI reference image.
Available versions:
at E11.5
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e11-5_mri-adc_31.5um
- MRI adc template at 31.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e11-5_mri-dwi_31.5um
- MRI dwi template at 31.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e11-5_mri-fa_31.5um
- MRI fa template at 31.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e11-5_mri-T2_31.5um
- MRI T2 template at 31.5 μm resolution
at E13.5
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e13-5_mri-adc_34um
- MRI adc template at 34 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e13-5_mri-dwi_34um
- MRI dwi template at 34 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e13-5_mri-fa_34um
- MRI fa template at 34 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e13-5_mri-t2_34um
- MRI T2 template at 34 μm resolution
at E15.5
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e15-5_mri-adc_37.5um
- MRI adc template at 37.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e15-5_mri-dwi_37.5um
- MRI dwi template at 37.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e15-5_mri-fa_37.5um
- MRI fa template at 37.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e15-5_mri-t2_37.5um
- MRI T2 template at 37.5 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e15-5_mri-mtr_37.5um
- MRI MTR template at 37.5 μm resolution
at E18.5
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e18-5_mri-adc_40um
- MRI adc template at 40 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e18-5_mri-dwi_40um
- MRI dwi template at 40 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e18-5_mri-fa_40um
- MRI fa template at 40 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_e18-5_mri-t2_40um
- MRI T2 template at 40 μm resolution
at P04
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p04_mri-adc_50um
- MRI adc template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p04_mri-dwi_50um
- MRI dwi template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p04_mri-fa_50um
- MRI fa template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p04_mri-t2_50um
- MRI T2 template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p04_mri-mtr_50um
- MRI MTR template at 50 μm resolution
at P14
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p14_mri-adc_50um
- MRI adc template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p14_mri-dwi_50um
- MRI dwi template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p14_mri-fa_50um
- MRI fa template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p14_mri-t2_50um
- MRI T2 template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p14_mri-mtr_50um
- MRI MTR template at 50 μm resolution
at P56
- LSFM template at 20 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p56_mri-adc_50um
- MRI adc template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p56_mri-dwi_50um
- MRI dwi template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p56_mri-fa_50um
- MRI fa template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p56_mri-t2_50um
- MRI T2 template at 50 μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_p56_mri-mtr_50um
- MRI MTR template at 50 μm resolution
Kim Lab Developmental CCF v001 (P56)#
This atlas is part of a developmental atlas following Luis Puelles’ Developmental Vertebrate Ontology. BrainGlobe hosts the original P56 version of this atlas at 10μm resolution with eight different reference images - STP, LSFM (iDISCO) and MRI (a0, adc, dwo, fa, MTR, T2). This atlas is now superseded by its 1.0.0 version but continues to be available for reproducibility and archive reasons.
Available versions:
- “normal” CCF serial 2p template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_idisco_10um
- iDISCO LSFM template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_mri_a0_10um
- MRI a0 template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_mri_adc_10um
- MRI ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_mri_dwi_10um
- MRI DWI (diffusion-weighted imaging) template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_mri_fa_10um
- MRI FA (fractional anisotropy) template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_mri_mtr_10um
- MRI MTR (magnetic transfer ratio) template at 10μm resolutionkim_dev_mouse_mri_t2_10um
- MRI T2 template at 10μm resolution
BlueBrain Barrel Cortex Atlas#
This atlas from Bolaños-Puchet et al. (2024) is a version of the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas with the addition of annotations of 33 barrels and barrel columns. For more details, please see the blogpost.
Available versions:
- 10μm resolutionallen_mouse_bluebrain_barrels_25um
- 25μm resolution
3D version of the Allen mouse spinal cord atlas#
This atlas from Fiederling et al. (2021) is a 3D reconstruction of the Allen Spinal Cord Atlas.
This atlas is only available at a single (20 x 10 x 10μm) resolution:
Smoothed version of the Kim et al. mouse reference atlas#
This atlas is part of the API to support some existing projects. We do not recommend it for any new projects (use the Allen Adult Mouse Brain Atlas instead).
Available versions:
- 10μm resolutionosten_mouse_25um
- 25μm resolutionosten_mouse_50um
- 50μm resolutionosten_mouse_100um
- 100μm resolution
Australian Mouse Brain Atlas#
This atlas has a very high resolution (15μm) MRI template. It covers the Hippocampus, Cerebellum, Cortex, Basal Ganglia, and Diencephalon. It is quite consistent with the parcellation scheme of the Paxinos and Franklin mouse brain atlas. At present a drawback of this atlas is that the segmentations do not cover the entire brain and is limited to the regions previously mentioned. This atlas is only available at 15μm resolution:
Waxholm Space atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain#
The Waxholm Space rat brain atlas features annotations of 222 structures, alongside a 39μm MRI template. It provides detailed delineations of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatopallidal areas, midbrain, thalamus, auditory system and fiber tracts. It is comprehensive, covering the entire rat brain. This atlas is only available at 39μm resolution:
Other rodent#
Prairie vole brain atlas#
This is a brain atlas of the Prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) from Gustison et al. (2024). This atlas is only available at 25μm resolution:
Max Planck zebrafish brain atlas#
This atlas is only available at 1μm resolution:
AZBA: A 3D Adult zebrafish brain atlas#
This atlas is only available at 4μm resolution:
Blind Mexican cavefish brain atlas#
This is a brain atlas of the blind Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus) from Kozol et al. (2023). For more details please see the blogpost. This atlas is only available at 2μm resolution:
UNAM Axolotl Brain Atlas#
This is a magnetic resonance imaging based atlas of the Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) from Lazcano et al. (2021). For more details please see the blogpost.
This atlas is only available at 40μm resolution:
Human and non-human primate#
Allen Human Brain Atlas#
This atlas is included mostly for visualisation and comparison to the other atlases. Note that it is also only a single hemisphere. There are many better atlases (and indeed software tools) for the analysis of human neuroimaging data.
This atlas is only available at 500μm resolution:
MRI mouse lemur brain atlas#
This is a MRI atlas of the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) from Nadkarni et al. (2018).
This atlas is only available at 91um resolution