BrainGlobe version 1 is here! Head over to the blog to find out more


image_io provides various options to load and save image data. It supports common formats like tiff, nrrd and nifti.


image_io is provided as part of brainglobe_utils which comes with the one-line BrainGlobe install (pip install brainglobe). It will also be fetched by most of our tools if you decide to install them as standalone.

Loading images#

All options to load images are provided under brainglobe_utils.image_io.load. For example, the general purpose load_any function which can load many common file formats:

from brainglobe_utils.image_io import load

There are also functions specific to particular file formats:

from brainglobe_utils.image_io import load

# tiff
load.load_img_stack('mydata.tif', x_scaling_factor=1, y_scaling_factor=1, z_scaling_factor=1)

# directory containing a sequence of 2D tiffs

# nrrd

# nifti

Saving images#

All options to save images are provided under For example, the general purpose save_any function which can save a numpy array to many common file formats:

from brainglobe_utils.image_io import save
save.save_any(my_array, 'mydata.tif')

There are also functions specific to particular file formats:

from brainglobe_utils.image_io import save

# tiff
save.to_tiff(my_array, 'mydata.tif')

# directory containing a sequence of 2D tiffs
save.to_tiffs(my_array, '/path/to/dir/prefix')

# nrrd
save.to_nrrd(my_array, 'mydata.nrrd')

# nifti
save.to_nii(my_array, 'mydata.nii')